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Government of Canada Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada


List of Funding Opportunities and codes
Click on header to change the order of the list.
CodeFunding Opportunities
1001Collaborative Health Research Projects (CHRP)
1003PCH-SSHRC Initiative for Digital Citizen Research (Connection)
1005Employment and Social Development Canada- Healthy and Productive Work Initiative
1006Rapid Research Funding
1007Pan-Canadian Knowledge Access Initiative (PCKAI)
1008Partnership Engage Grants (PEG) COVID-19 Special Initiative
1009Partnership Engage Grants (PEG) Residential Schools Joint Initiative
1010Gender-Based Violence Research Initiative
1012Reconciliation Network in response to Call to Action-65
1013Sustainable Agriculture Research Initiative
1014Social Sciences and Humanities Research Network on Sustainable Agriculture in a Net-Zero Economy
1015Partnership Engage Grants - Generating Evidence for Public Health Decision Making
1036Race, Gender and Diversity - Joint Initiative
1074Knowledge Synthesis Grants - The Emerging Asocial Society
1075Knowledge Synthesis Grants - Gender-Based Violence
1076Knowledge Synthesis Grants - Shifting Dynamics of Privilege and Marginalization
1077Ideas Lab - Joint Initiative
1078Knowledge Synthesis Grants - Evolving Narratives of Cultures and Histories
1403PCH-SSHRC Initiative for Digital Citizen Research (Insight)
1703PCH-SSHRC Initiative for Digital Citizen Research
2001Horizon 2020
2002Trans-Atlantic Platform - Social Innovation
2003Canada-UK Artificial Intelligence Initiative
2004Open Research Area
2005Trans-Atlantic Platform - Recovery and Resilience in a Post-Pandemic World
2007National Science Foundation Global Centres
320Master's Scholarships in Science Policy
321Queen's Fellowship - SSHRC Fund
410Standard Research Grants
412Major Collaborative Research Initiatives Program
413Interagency Advisory Panel and Secretariat on Research Ethics and TCPS
414Inter Council Grant/Consortiums
421Presidential Fund for Innovation and Development
430Insight Development Grants
435Insight Grants
439Special Response Fund for Trainees - Ukraine (Insight)
489Parental Leave - Research Grants and Partnerships
501INE Research Grants
502INE Outreach Grants
503INE Development Grants
504Crossing Boundaries Research Initiative
512INE Collaborative Research Initiative Grants
537INE Skills Research Initiative
538INE Research Alliances
539CESC-SSHRC Education Research Initiative
540INE Data and Statistics Seminars
542INE - The Canada Project
603Knowledge Impact in Society
604Public Outreach Grants - Management, Business and Finance
605Public Outreach Grants - Canadian Environmental Issues
606Public Outreach Grants - Northern Communities: Towards Social and Economic Prosperity
607Tri-Agency-Partnership on Knowledge Syntheses on the Environment
608Public Outreach Grant Open Category
609Public Outreach Grants - Digital Economy
610Public Outreach Grants - Aboriginal Research
611Connection Grants
612Indigenous Research Capacity and Reconciliation - Connection Grants
633SSHRC Institutional Grants
642Aid to Scholarly Publications Program
645Aid and Attendance Grants to Scholarly Associations
646Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences in Canada
647Aid to Research and Transfer Journals
648Students Promoting Awareness of Research Knowledge (SPARK )
649Aid to Open-Access Research Journals
650Connections (Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences)
651Aid to Scholarly Journals
681Aid to Small Universities
750Parliamentary Internship Programme
751The Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Fellowships
752Doctoral Fellowships
754Bora Laskin National Fellowship in Human Rights
756Postdoctoral Fellowships
757SSHRC Aurora Prize
758SSHRC Gold Medal for Achievement in Research
759Jules and Gabrielle Léger Fellowship
760International Space University Fellowship
761William E. Taylor Fellowship
762John G. Diefenbaker Award
763CHSRF/SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowship
764CHSRF/SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
765CIHR/SSHRC/NHRDP Health Career Awards
766Canada Graduate Scholarships Program - Masters Scholarships
767Canada Graduate Scholarship - Doctoral
768SSHRC Postdoctoral Prize
769Parental Leave - Scholarships and Fellowships
770Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships
771Canada Graduate Scholarships - Michael Smith Foreign Study Supplements
772Banting Postdoctoral Fellowships
773MITACS Canadian Science Policy Fellowship
774Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Scholarships
775Mobilizing Insights in Defence and Security (MINDS) Scholarships Initiative
778Indigenous Scholars Awards and Supplements
779Parental Leave - CGS Scholarship
780Connection Award
781Insight Award
782Partnership Award
783Talent Award
785Undergraduate Student Research Awards
795Partnerships Grants Training Initiatives
804Managing for Global Competitiveness
806Applied Ethics
807Chairs in the Management of Technological Change
808Immigration and the Metropolis
816Women and Change
818Strategic Research Networks in Education and Training
819Rethinking Productivity
820Research Development Initiatives
821Canadian Health Services Research Foundation
822Innovation Systems Research Network
825Project on Trends
826Canada in the World Research Grants
827Forest Research Partnerships Program - CFS/NSERC/SSHRC
828Society, Culture and the Health of Canadians
829Exploring Social Cohesion in a Globalizing Era
830Challenges and Opportunities of a Knowledge-based Economy
831Valuing Literacy in Canada
832Federalism and Federations
833Community-University Research Alliances (CURA)
834Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative (CTCRI)
835Relationships in Transition
836Health Institutes Design Grants
837Tri-Council Workshop/Networking Program
839Society, Culture and the Health of Canadians II
840Canadian Initiative on Social Statistics (CISS) Data Training Schools
841Ocean Management National Research Network Initiative
842The Non-Profit Sector in Canada (Kahanoff Foundation)
843Virtual Scholar in Residence Program (LCC)
845Intellectual Property Mobilization Program
846National Research Network on the Human Dimensions of Biosphere Greenhouse Gas Management
847Reducing the Health Disparities of Vulnerable Populations
848Research/Creation Grants in Fine Arts
849Image, Text, Sounds and Technology
851Northern Research Development Program
853Multiculturalism Issues in Canada
854Essential Skills
855Homelessness and Diversity Issues in Canada
856Aboriginal Research
857Strategic Knowledge Clusters
858Official Languages Research and Dissemination Program
859The Social Economy Suite
860Hydrogen Economy Initiative
861International Opportunities Fund
862Sport Participation Research Initiative
864Research Grants - Management, Business and Finance
865Research Grants - Canadian Environmental Issues
866Research Grants - Northern Communities: Towards Social and Economic Prosperity
867NORFACE Transnational Program
868Canadian Election Study Data Set
869Digging into Data Challenge
870International Research Initiative on Adaptation to Climate Change
871International Joint Venture Project
872Knowledge Synthesis Grants
875Management, Business and Finance: National Forum
877Department of National Defence Research Initiative (DNDRI)
879Special Response Fund for Trainees - Ukraine (Future Challenges)
885International Community-University Research Alliances (CURA) - SSHRC/IDRC
886Automotive Partnership Canada
889Parental Leave - Partnerships (PLP)
890Partnership Development Grants (Insight)
892Partnership Engage Grants
895Partnership Grants (Insight)
896Partnership Grants - Healthy and Productive Work CIHR
900Networks of Centres of Excellence
902Health Evidence Application and Linkage Network (HEALNet)
903Sustainable Forest Management Network (SFM)
904TeleLearning Network of Centres of Excellence (TL-NCE)
905The Canadian Arthritis Network (CAN)
906The Geomatics for Informed Decisions Network (GEOIDE)
907Canadian Stroke Network (CSN)
908AquaNet - Network in Aquaculture
909The Automobile of the 21st Century Network (AUTO21)
910The Canadian Language and Literacy Research Network (CLLRnet)
911Canadian Water Network (CWN)
912Stem Cell Network (SCN)
913Advanced Foods and Materials Network (AFMNet)
915PrioNet Canada
916Canadian Design Research Network (CDRN)
917Promoting Relationships and Eliminating Violence Network - PREVNet
918National Initiative for the Care of the Elderly (NICE)
919Canadian Obesity Network (CON)
923Emerging Dynamic Global Economies (EDGE Network)
924NCE-Knowledge Mobilization (NCE-KM)
928Centres of Excellence for Commercialization and Research (CECR)
929Business-Led Networks of Centres of Excellence (BL-NCE)
931Carbon Management Canada (CMC)
933Graphics, Animation and New Media Canada (GRAND)
935Reconciliation Network Coordination Hub
936Race, Gender and Diversity Initiative
939Special Response Fund for Trainees - Ukraine (Partnership)
940New Frontiers in Research Fund
941New Frontiers in Research Fund - Rapid Response
942New Frontiers in Research Fund - Global Platform
943New Frontiers in Research Fund - Transformation
944New Frontiers in Research Fund - International
950Canada Research Chairs
951Canada Excellence Research Chairs
952Canada 150 Research Chairs
953Canada Research Chairs - EDI Stipend
954Robbins-Ollivier Award for Excellence in Equity
955Canada Biomedical Research Fund
956Canada Biomedical Research Fund and Biosciences Research Infrastructure Fund
970College and Community Innovation Program
971Industrial Research Chairs for Colleges (IRCC) Grants
972Imagining Canada's Future Ideas Lab
990Canada First Research Excellence Fund

List of Main Discipline
List of Discipline
List of Area of Research
List of Sub-programs
List of Funding Opportunities by Sub-programs